FC2O Episode 1 – Mark Sisson Show Notes
0:00. Introduction
2:46. Mark’s journey into Paleo
8:33. Mark’s athletic training goals
10:45. The body’s innate overtraining protection
11:50. Paleo providing order from chaos
18.29. Simple solutions to health challenges
20:20. When in doubt, go back to the genes
21:30. Who were Mark’s key influences in the Paleo field?
23:55. Which current Paleo authorities does Mark resonate with?
26:10. The Carnivore Diet
27:06. What mistakes has Mark seen in the Paleo world?
29:16. Barefoot running
34:13. The Business side of Paleo
37: Primal Kitchen
35:55. The Primal Health Coach training
37:21. Mark’s goals from day 1
41:00. The importance of having a life purpose
42:42. Who wants to live forever?
43:53. How Mark rehab’ed his Achille’s injury
51:33. Who’s embraced the Paleo approach?
55:00. You’re infinitely more complex than a car…
57:19. The future of Paleo
59:20. Where to learn more about Mark’s work.
1:01:50. Mark’s special gift to FC2O listeners, upcoming free webinar.
• Modern Disintegration – Primal Connectivity, Editorial Paper: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Z3KO4rR6wMn9r
• Biomechanical Attractors A Paleolithic Prescription for Tendinopathy & Glycemic Control, Practical Paper: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Z3KO4rR6wMnA1
1:03:15. ENDS