General Infection Incidence Trends for diphtheria, whooping cough & measles – with vaccine introduction dates. Trends for scarlet fever and typhoid for which there is no vaccine.
“ ‘Diseases had already begun to disappear before vaccines were introduced, because of better hygiene and sanitation’.
Statements like this are very common in anti-vaccine literature, the intent apparently being to suggest that vaccines are not needed. Improved socioeconomic conditions have undoubtedly had an indirect impact on disease. Better nutrition, not to mention the development of antibiotics and other treatments, have increased survival rates…
…But looking at the actual incidence of disease over the years can leave little doubt of the significant direct impact vaccines have had, even in modern times.
For example, there have been periodic peaks and valleys throughout the years, but the real, permanent drop in measles incidence coincided with the licensure and wide use of measles vaccine beginning in 1963.”
How does an independent researcher reconcile this statement from the WHO in the context of the graph above?
11:46. Welcome
12:34. Cognitive dissonance
“Don’t let your schooling get in the way of your education” Mark Twain One of my all-time favourite images from Paul Chek (2001). Sometimes we are trained what to think rather than how to think… Where there are highly profitable vested interests, we are often entrained in what to think.
14:35. Involving your children…
16:00. Sherri’s background
19:00. National vaccine information centre conference
The general recommendations of vaccination paper 1998
The CDC’s only references are the cdc?
21:40. 10,000 medical papers questioning vaccination
22:45. Dr Janet Levatin
24:34. Research on aluminum toxicity
Ingested aluminium versus injected aluminium
Macrophages, mercury, aluminium (and 200 other chemicals)
Macaque monkeys study – showing objected mercury accumulated in the brain
Nanoparticles- when small things have big effects
28:44 Steel man’ing
Vaccinations success
Disease versus infection
Death rate from measles
33:20 World health organisation: vaccine resistance as seventh biggest threat
Vaccinated but still infected
When in nature are you exposed to 7 or 8 pathogens all at the same time?
Optimal health vs chronic disease
36:15 Change takes time or tragedy
38:38 A multi-generational indoctrination
Co-opting young parents
Immune as a synonym for vaccinated
39:35. Herd Immunity
Only real when applies to natural infection
55% infection levels
Activating the right pathway is key
Engaging pathogen by toll-like receptors on your TH1 pathways – calls in macrophages – starts a cytokine cascade – Elevates fever – excites macrophages further.
Antibodies are NOT what’s required for immunity
46:02. Facing the heat – Fever’s Role
Paracetamol blocks glutathione
Water, homeopathy, vitamin C
51:05. The weight of research.
“If there’s anydoubt, there’s nodoubt”
300 inborn errors of metabolism
Genetic screening… available, but unused
Family history
Skin testing
2yoa for detox
54:30. Hitting herd immunity
The unknown cost of vaccine injury
56:32. Thimerosal – 49% Mercury
Ethyl v.s Methyl mercury
Macaque study
Cancer, Type I diabetes, Neurological problems
Pharmaceutical Industry $1.2trillion per year.
Thimerosal “removed” from vaccines – the ‘language’ of mercury
1:05:55. Adjuvants
1:10:00. The MMR & Wakefield
Not Wakefield… but the media
Recycling a 20-year old story
Paul Offat Rotavirus Vaccine
Individual infection titres
1:14:51. Developmental Regression post-vaccine
250,000 emails… an anecdote…
1:19:08. Autism incidence in exponential growth
What could be driving it?
1:22:15. The Gates Foundation…
Population control
Kierkegaard “if you label me”…
1:24:32. Live v.s Non-Live Vaccines
Live = training effect
None-live = no training effect / other side effects
1:27:20. Nutrition – a forgotten factor?
Hysteria about very specific pathogens
1:32:12. Hygeine
Always about the terrain… never about the bug
Harvard: clean water
138:03. Research Conclusions
Systematic Reviews as “Gold Standard”
Endemic bias
Professor Ioannidis, of Stanford University, pioneered the field of “Meta-research” – in other words, research of research. To learn more about him see: Ioannidis, J., 2016. The mass production of redundant, misleading, and conflicted systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Milbank Q. 94 (3), 485-514, 2016.