Matt Wallden | Services
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We specialise in helping people at either end of the performance spectrum – whether you are:
    1. struggling to identify and address the cause of your persistent health challenges (at one end), or…
    2. striving for optimal performance in your sports, work or athletic endeavours  (at the other).

And, of course, we work with everyone in between too!


We specialise in helping you realise your goals at either end of the health/performance spectrum














Where our approach is most effective is in supporting motivated and ambitious individuals to identify causal elements in their challenge and realise their desired goals, using comprehensive and highly customised health & performance coaching programs.


Is our approach for you?


One of our mantra’s is if you’re not assessing, you’re guessing, so, by utilising extremely detailed screening, we’re able to pin-point the key drivers of your challenges, prioritise them, and build them into a detailed program, in the same way an Olympic athlete would plan their training to reach peak performance just at the right time.


Why this is important is that, to overcome any significant challenge or achieve most meaningful goals, a clear, strategic plan designed to progress you toward your goal or dream in a sustainable fashion is critical. One of the most important aspects of attaining these unusual results is that we provide you with the tools you need to optimise your life; to make you as independent as possible as quickly as possible.


With careful monitoring, follow-up support, reassessment, and staged progression, we’re able to work closely with you, providing coaching, education, support, mentoring and treatment where required.  Essentially, we walk with you on your journey from where you’re at now, to where you want to be.

If this makes sense to you and you’d like to find out if what you’re looking for and what we’re offering is a good fit, click here.

Patients and Atheletes

Phase 1: Information Gathering

Free Phone Consultion

Investigate whether what we’re offering is what you’re looking for.
Duration: 15 Minutes

Free Information Gathering

Online health questionnaires sent & completed.
1-2 Hours

Low Investment Video Consultation

Together we discuss options & decide on an optimal course of action.
20 Minutes

Phase 2: Clinical Assessment, Program & Coaching

The result of phase 1 is often to progress to creating a bespoke clinical assessment, performance program & coaching package.  Alternatively, it may be to refer out to a more targeted specialist based on evaluation of your needs, or to refer you to our downloadable clinical packages. The clinical assessment, performance program & coaching package is tailored to your individual needs based on energy, finance and time resources.  Durations and level of commitment are decided in advance, but can be adjusted, based on your desires.


Information from the assessment is collated, analysed & a program is designed & written up.

Duration: 1-5 hours

Information from the assessment is collated, analysed & a program is designed & written up.

Duration: 1-2 hours

You will be coached through a highly bespoke stretch, mobilisation & exercise program, recorded on video.

Duration: 1-3 hours

You will be coached through a fully customised nutrition & lifestyle program, recorded on video.

Duration: 1-4 hours
Coaching and Treatment

Phase 3: Coaching & Treatment

At this point, you have all the key information and tools you need to get started on your journey toward optimum health & performance.  For optimal results, we recommend a coaching package of 3, 6 or 12 months.  This may include ongoing treatment and reassessments; usually around every 6-8 weeks, to facilitate effective progression.


Coaching ensures you are using optimal technique, lifestyle strategies and get the most from your program
Duration: Monthly to Weekly


Treatment is often part of the process, both relating to original findings & to new findings that emerge as your conditioning develops.
Duration: Dependent on requirments


Improvements in posture & function mean that your needs change as your progress & new priorities emerge.
Duration: Dependent on requirements

Contact today to embark on your journey toward optimal health and realising your potential!