FC2O Episode 6 – Paul Chek (Part 2) Show Notes.
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FC2O Episode 6 – Paul Chek (Part 2) Show Notes.

0:00. Introduction

3:15. Paul’s clinical experiences / client base

  • Denver Nuggets
  • San Diego Chargers
  • Chicago Bulls
  • Oakland Raiders
  • Olympic Kayak & Canoe team
  • Brazilian Olympic Team
  • US Olympic Figure Skating Development Team
Paul Chek, Al Vermeil (Bulls S&C Coach) and Charles Poliquin

8:35. Canberra Kudos

12:00. Spondylolisthesis & Disc injury

14:06. The All-Blacks

  • Root chakra & responsibility 

15:23. Auckland Blues

  • Canterbury Crusaders
  • US Airforce Academy
  • swim team
  • Ballerinas
  • Cirque de Soleil
  • X-games athletes
  • Motocross world champions
  • Stuntmen & women
  • Cyclists
  • Danish Olympic Committee
  • Swedish National Hockey Team
  • Toronto Maple Leafs
  • Toronto Raptors
  • Volleyballers 

18:30 Elite Military Involvement

  • Navy SEALS
  • Special forces
  • Black Op’s

20:32. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual approaches

  • medical dowsing
  • Paul’s early dowsing exposure
  • Gulf oil
  • Water wells

27:22 How medical dowsing works

  • Leon Chaitow
  • Faith begins where knowledge ends
  • The “how to” (33:07)
  • Context for dowsing (35:00)

36:09. Honorary PhD? X

  • 5 x Master’s degrees…

38:10. Shamanism & Personal, Professional & Spiritual Mastery Program.

  • Modern Shamanism – Arnold Mindel (41:20)
  • Vegetarianism
  • Sound healings
  • Remote viewing
  • Master Fong Ha

46:10. PPS & Patterns.

48:45. Legacies & Dreams

  • 1-2-3-4 approach

49:50. Development of the 1-2-3-4 model

  • Overwhelm
  • Cutting a path through a sea of data
  • Take a hike…
  • 1 Love – what do you love enough to heal for?
  • 2 Forces – how is your life balance between yin and yang?
  • 3 Choices (optimal / suboptimal / indifferent)
  • 4 Doctors
  • Dr Happy
  • Dr Movement
  • Dr Quiet
  • Dr Diet

55:05. Common denominator effects

56:22 The last 4 Doctors you’ll ever need

  • Dan Milman
  • eBook
  • Hard copies
  • How to eat move and be healthy 2nd Edition

58:35. The writing of How to Eat, Move & Be Healthy.

1:02:12. Andry Vleeming

Opening page of the Proceedings of the World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain.

1:03:40. World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain 2010: Panel & Keynote…

1:08:08. Jungian Psychology, Ken Wilber and CHEK 4 Quadrant

  • Depth psychology
  • Alchemy
  • Steiner 
  • Psyche as rainbow bridge
  • The 1-2-3-4 of Overcoming addiction, obesity & disease.

1:16:48. CHEK Life Process Alchemy

  • The philosopher’s stone
  • Steiner & Jung meditation & synthesis (1:19:13)
  • Scientific materialism… you may be your own biggest problem!
  • “Kensho” and the Primal Dialectics’
The Primal Dialectics Overlaid on the CHEK Life Process Alchemy Map

1:28:38. The Ghost in the Machine – is musculoskeletal medicine lacking soul?

1:29:40. The 4 (or 5) questions a Shaman will ask…

  • When did you stop singing?
  • When did you stop dancing?
  • When did you stop enjoying stories?
  • When did you stop enjoying being alone with your self?
  • When did you lose the your sense for the magic, mystery and awe for life?

1:37:00. Teachers of our time

The paper Paul Chek co-wrote with me led so quite a response – both appreciative and critical from various medical sectors.

1:38:22. The Ghost in the Machine:

  • shamans
  • Subjective balanced with objective
  • Simplicity within complexity 
  • To watch our webinars on The Ghost in the Machine, head over to here (original) or to here (most recent). https://chekinstitute.com/gitm-replay

1:39:35. Order from chaos.

  • simplicity contains complexity
  • Zero & the singularity

1:41:15. Concluding remarks

1:42:15. Special offer from Paul & the CHEK Institute: Movement as Medicine.

If you’d like to learn more about Paul Chek’s and the CHEK Institute’s offerings, you can head over to chekinstitute.com, or to paulcheksblog.com.  If you’re interested in making change in your life, then Paul’s Personal, Professional & Spiritual Success Mastery Program is available at ppssuccess.com.

Paul Chek and the CHEK Institute are generously offering FC2O listeners access to Paul’s Movement as Medicine video series.

In this gift, Paul Chek teaches you how to use movement to recover much more quickly from injury and illness, to direct nutrition and energy to specific locations in your body, to meditate and reduce stress, balance your hormone levels and more. Access this all for free by heading over to: chekinstitute.com/MAM/