0:00. Introduction
2:46. Accepting “Barefoot Ted”
5:11. The epic Born to Run
9:06. Becoming a self-experimenter.
11:03. Aging – BFT at 55 years old.
12:54. Journey to the Copper Canyons.
14:28. The need for shoes.
15:53. The natural selection of footwear.
17:25. The Persistence Hunt.
18:25. Adding sandals to the equation.
20:39. Out of Africa.
21:11. (CORRECTION: 65K years – not 65M years!)
22:34. Feet as food ticket…
23:55. The Rarumari / Tarahumara.
28:26. Old-Skool footwear.
29:56. Renegades in the Canyons.
31:00. Barefoot Ted’s Adventures.
33:26. Sandal making.
37:06. Fivefingers Paradigm Shifting Trojan Horse…
40:07. Christopher McDougall’s Running with Sherman – a sneak preview.
43:23 An ultra-runner’s prescription for less…
48:08 Benefits of ultrarunning.
55:49 Running for health & happiness rather than performance.
56:47 Training & Play.
1:00:15 Training for Leadville.
1:02:08 Laird Hamilton connecting with the dots.
103:54 Kangoo Jumps.
106:44 Minimal effective dose & self-experimentation.
108:48 “the journey”…
109:41 Maximalism .
1:13:50. The rift between foot and shoe.
1:16:32. Inverting the orthotics model.
1:19:32. You ARE a spring!
1:21:03. Running with feeling.
1:23:26. Going with the Flow.
1:26:14. Applying the learning.
1:29:38. Special Sensory Awareness of the Sole.
1:31:15. Feet as roots.
1:34:03. Manuel Luna.
1:39:37. Visit the Canyons!
1:43:08. Luna Sandals – a minimalist philosophy and design.
1:45:45. el Mono…
1:47:07. Broken by default?
1:50:53. Indigenous groups start with a different premise.
1:53:13. Facilitating more time in the now.
1:54:15. Turning a run into a sport.
1:55:56. The gift of presence.
1:56:36. Closing remarks.
2:00:00. Closing offer:
To get hold of your very own pieces of portable ground, head over to Luna Sandals and use the special codes below to get your special deal!