For each episode, we endeavour to put out show notes where you can get a quick view of the key topics discussed and their time-stamp; as well as to offer one or two links here and there, promo codes and imagery to help illustrated key points.
Each #FC2O episode has it’s own tab for ease of navigation; and each episode can be played from its show notes page, or through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or Spotify. Enjoy the show! Here we go…
FC2O Episode 2 – Bill Wolcott Show Notes
0:00. Introduction
3:04. “The most naturopathic book I’ve ever read”
5:19. How Bill discovered Metabolic Typing
8:20. “The Cancer Doctor”… Kelley
9:30. Before Metabolic Typing
9:50. The trials of trouble-shooting
12:23. Nutrition & Your Mind… Everything you know is wrong!!
13:34. Kelley & the Autonomic Nervous System
The autonomic nervous system: When SNS (sympathetic nervous system) activity is high, PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) activity is low, and vice-versa. Image (C) Paul Chek (2001). More detail can be found in Chek, P. 2003. How to Eat, Move & Be Healthy. Publisher: CHEK Institute, CA, USA.
15:25. The wrong question?
16:38. The Dominance Factor…
The dominance factor posits that each of us is more dominant in either our Autonomic Nervous System, or in our Oxidative System. Which system we are dominant in will dictate our response to certain nutrients (see below).
19:40. The effect of food or nutrients is not what you think
20:20. Fundamental Homeostatic Control Systems
Autonomic balance (and flux)
Carbo-oxidative balance
Lipo-oxidative balance-
Electrolyte balance
Acid-Alkaline balance
Prostaglandin balance
Blood Type
Constitutional Type
Endocrine type
Neurotransmitter balance
The effect of nutrients on the Autonomic Nervous System: If your ANS is well balanced (1.) then you are exposed to either sympathetic stressors (2.) or parasympathetic stressors (3.) your body has the adaptive capacity to absorb the stressors. However, metabolic typing has identified that some people are more sympathetic to begin with (4.) – or may be more parasympathetic; so then adding a nutrient, such as calcium (Ca2+) will stimulate the sympathetic system further sending you deeper into imbalance. (See grab-bag protocol image below)
22:13. Specific stimulatory or inhibitory effects of nutrients
25:21. Grab-bag protocols
In his book, The Metabolic Typing diet, Wolcott explains how different nutrients exert different effects on the systems of the body – calcium, for example, stimulates the sympathetic system, inhibits the parasympathetic system, and decreases the oxidation rate. Hence calcium supplementation or high calcium foods would be inappropriate for someone who is sympathetic dominant type, but good for a fast oxidiser. Most “grab-bag” nutritional protocols do not take this awareness into account. Image (C) Paul Chek (2001). More detail can be found in Chek, P. 2003. How to Eat, Move & Be Healthy. Publisher: CHEK Institute, CA, USA.
26:10. Diseases are not the problem
You cannot treat arthritis by treating arthritis…
Local cellular function
Defence or Failed Defence?
When defence fails, adaptation fails
When adaptation fails, function fails
Disease as a symptom of deeper underlying dysfunction
30:50. Why Scientific research is so confusing
33:00. The importance of whole-system thinking
33:59. Diet books
36:10. Making sense of metabolic typing
39:21. Nutritional genetic requirements
41:18. Exceptions to rules – and avoiding the absolutes
42:17. Blood Typing & Lectins as a passive influence
46:38. Food is more potent than medicine
Are green drinks healthy?
48:43. Harmonic effect of food
Borrowed from CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach training. See for more information.Organic whole foods provide living healthy cells and tissues that resonate with our own body and create better harmony from the disharmony of injury or illness. Borrowed from CHEK Institute, Holistic Lifestyle Coach training. For more information go to
51:58. It’s all about balancing fundamental homeostatic control systems
54:22. Synthesizing & integrating information
issues with linear thinking and linear protocols
57:29. Weight optimisation with Metabolic Typing
103:21. Blocking factors & allostatic load
106:15. Metabolic Typing, sports performance & work capacity
1:10:34. Paleo pro’s & con’s
Paleo diets for different metabolic types
Evolution doesn’t just stop
1:17:55. Genetic Nutritional Testing
Genotype vs phenotype
Epigenetic expression & the environment
Genes & protein manufacture
Human genome project
Tumours, pH and epigenetic adaptability
The fallacy of treating based on genotype
1:26:00. The Microbiome & MT
Cascades of adverse reactions
1:30:56. Metabolic Typing – too simple to be true?
Metabolic Typing – simplicity on the “other” side of complexity.
1:33:21. Nature is infinitely complex, but there’s simplicity at every level
Principle of least action
Metabolic individuality is real
2 Principles of Metabolic Typing
1:36:15. Simplicity in the complexity
Organic foods
Learning to listen to your body
1:39:29. Beyond Macro’s
1:42:00. Micronutrients & supplementation
Is food alone enough?
1:43:58. Foods as “attractors”
1:44:57. Foundational metabolic processes
1:46:36. The future of nutrition & holistic health
1:48:18. Closing words
1:52:05. ENDS
FC2O Episode 1 – Mark Sisson Show Notes
0:00. Introduction
2:46. Mark’s journey into Paleo
8:33. Mark’s athletic training goals
Mark Sisson
10:45. The body’s innate overtraining protection
11:50. Paleo providing order from chaos
18.29. Simple solutions to health challenges
20:20. When in doubt, go back to the genes
21:30. Who were Mark’s key influences in the Paleo field?
23:55. Which current Paleo authorities does Mark resonate with?
26:10. The Carnivore Diet
27:06. What mistakes has Mark seen in the Paleo world?
Saturated fats
29:16. Barefoot running
NOTE: For anyone wanting to safely transition to barefoot running, you can use our transition calculator – formulated during 10 years of working with Vibram Fivefingers as their UK Distributor (use password client-resource-page to access).
Phylogeny v.s Ontogeny
When considering a Paleo approach it’s important to take into account not just the massive weight of evolutionary adaptation (phylogeny) on the one side, but also the weight of the individual’s own development and adaptations (ontogeny) on the other.
34:13. The Business side of Paleo
37: Primal Kitchen
35:55. The Primal Health Coach training
37:21. Mark’s goals from day 1
41:00. The importance of having a life purpose
42:42. Who wants to live forever?
43:53. How Mark rehab’ed his Achille’s injury
The importance of connective tissue in the diet
51:33. Who’s embraced the Paleo approach?
55:00. You’re infinitely more complex than a car…
The importance of coaching
NOTE: the webinar “But we’re infinitely more complex than a car” is available from here.
57:19. The future of Paleo
59:20. Where to learn more about Mark’s work.
1:01:50. Mark’s special gift to FC2O listeners, upcoming free webinar.
Offer code: MATT500 (expires July 6th 2019).
The free webinar “Modern Disintegration – Primal Connectivity” is available to you here – at 8pm BST (3pm Eastern / 12pm Pacific), Weds 10th July 2019.
The papers written by Mark and Matt are published in the Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies and cost $31.50 each to download. However, they’re available for free on the following share-links until July 4th 2019:
0:00 Introduction: Aims of the podcast – challenges of living in the information age
1:50. Evidence-Based Medicine and its challenges
4:20. Possible solutions to information overload: Meta-analysis & Systematic Review
6:10. Flaws with the current paradigm
8:10. Researching research! … Uh-oh!
11:24. Key Principle & Core Models
12:00. Phill Beach and Attractor States
16:43. Order emerging from chaos
17:25. Modelling: maps for understanding
18:42. Simplicity in the complexity
Simplicity / Complexity Curve & the process of Mastery
20:50. Experts getting “stuck”
21:18. Mastery, analogy & metaphor
23:17. Paul Chek: Health is simple – it’s disease which is complex
25:55. Jordan Peterson: the brain and how it reflects reality
28:25. Evolution & Mark Sisson
29:53. Barefoot Ted, Minimalism and how we were born to run…
32:23. Finding a path through contradictory research & evidence
Cutting a path through a sea of research confusion The 3.6m year old footprints you see are from Laetoli in Africa; one of the earliest signs of our bipedal origins. This is superimposed on a CGI of the parting of the Red Sea… The message: for enlightenment, walk the path of evolutionary research – as Dobzhiansky said, “Nothing in Biology makes sense, except in the light of evolution“.