0:00. Introduction – Lawrence Smith, Alexander Teacher & Barefoot Runner
Lawrence Smith Barefoot Running Technique
9:31. The Manhattan Centre for alexander
10:26. Working with Performers
12:16. Feldenkrais & Alexander
13:31. FM Alexander’s little known background
20:05. Schooling & Creativity
21:00. The chair is a political tool designed to create a docile population
21:25. The Moro reflex
23:00 Respiratory mechanics
Phrenicopericardial Ligaments…
Phrenicopericardial ligaments
Diaphragmatic breathing in running
Inhaling on extension in quadrupeds
T’ai chi and the breath
Chi is smarter than you
26:16. Postural reflexes & running
Ballet impacting on running
“Land on your heel and roll through your foot”…
Leading with head, letting spine lengthen
Barefoot on asphalt – like running on cream
Interosseus reflex of the positive supportive response
Long toe flexors supporting the calf muscles
32:13. Coach Vigil – the Tarahumara were smiling!
In the book, Born To Run, famous running coach, Coach Vigil, invested time in trying to identify what made the Tarahumara (Rarumari) runners great… one key thing he noted is that they were all smiling as they ran!
35:14. Barefoot trail running as nutrition
36:17. The importance of vision in running
Gracovetsky’s Spinal Engine – capturing ground reaction force to spin the spine into the next step of gait. From “The Neutral Spine Principle” (Wallden 2009)
Gracovetsky’s Spinal Engine
38:21. Looking (for) glass
An outward gaze, rather than an inward gaze…
A danger of barefoot running – it feels good!
Achille’s adaptation
Spring in your step
Nervous system = instant adaptation
Muscular system = weeks for adaptation
Connective tissue system = months for adaptation
42:47. Heel strike is “not” okay…
Your joints are relieved of so much stress
Try jumping rope on your heels…
Pole vaulting with your legs
Impact transients are injurious
You shouldn’t really “land” on your foot
Still in the upper arc of your body’s motion at ground contact
46:31. Angela Caine, Voicegym and the anterior temporalis
Angela Caine, founder of Voicegym, often explained the importance of a smile in activating the anterior temporalis and initiating mouth opening through its fascial attachments into the lateral pterygoid muscle…
The whispered “ahh”
Suboccipital muscles as primary… or maybe secondary…
TMJ function
51:30. Leading with the head – the cranial nerves
52:35. Visual mobility preceding neck mobility…
Hand relaxation preceding trapezius relaxation
Liberate the toes to run well
55:05. Uni- v.s Bi-articular Muscle function
Are tight muscles dysfunctional or functional?
1:03:13. Muscle Function – proximal v.s distal musculature
Plantar fasciitis
Uphill repeats
Closed v.s open chain
1:09:37. Running & Writing… to find out what you think!
Pro’s & Con’s
Natural athleticism
Running as a reflex… following the mind / eyes / head
Travelling without moving
119:08. The Myth of Core Stability
Phill Beach (2010). Loading the shoulder girdle creates axial compression which must be met with axial extension and squeezing of the trunk using the transverses abdominis – much like the effect of a hand gripped around a toothpaste tube.
1:22:19. Diaphragmatic motion
The Myth of the Belly Breath…
The phrenopericardial ligaments
1:29:26. Loading the trunk to (axially) extend the trunk
1:31:40. Neck injuries through excessive loading
Poor habits are relatively easy to work with
Systematic abuse & emotional holding patterns
1:34:09. Referring Out
1:34:58. Muscles are like people
Push them hard, they resist
Gently encourage them, they tend to comply
1:35:38. Kinaesthetic Transfer
The Russian boxer
Start with sitting… less need for control
Kinaesthetic memory & embodiment of trauma
Knee replacement & crepitus
1:38:54. Childhood Development & Motor Learning
The importance of environment
To hear more about this topic, try listening to Phill Beach’s amazing insights in FC2O Episode 12.
We’re also running a workshop on this in Wellington in March 2020
1:44:55. Alignment or Dynamic Posture?
1:45:16. Lawrence’s order from chaos…
stop and look around – interact with your environment
1:46:33. Closing comments.
To book an appointment or learn more about Lawrences work, head to his website here. Alternatively to explore the inner reaches of his mind, head to his blog site here.