Do manual techniques have an effect on the motor control of the human body? … “No”
Harmonic Technique
Neuromuscular Re-Abilitation
Functional Stretching
Functional Exercise Prescription
How to exercise without exercising
7:37. Identifying the meaningful task
8:14. Active vs Passive Rehabilitation
Osteopathy almost 100% passive historically
All manual therapies needed an update
You can’t learn / enhance / improve movement if you’re not actively doing it
Passive techniques = input (sensory), but need to be coupled with output (motor)
12:22. Process Approach
Image borrowed from Eyal’s paper, “A Process Approach in manual and physical therapies: beyond the structural model”. Available on
Here, Eyal presents the examples of an acute back injury (top left), a person with persistent back pain (top right), and someone who has been immobilised – such as in a splint or cast. The amount of focus given to each of the 3 components of the Process of returning to a functional status vary from case to case.
What is a process approach?
Self-capacity, self-recovery
Functional Recovery – the ability to return to daily activity in some level of comfort
3 overal processes:
Modulation / Alleviation of Symptoms
By which process will the person best recover?
Stimulation for repair / adaptation / modulation
Acute Disc Injury o/s 2/52
How will they recover function?
Repair will be focus
Limb immobilised – coming out of plaster cast
How will they recover function
Adaptation will be focus
18:49. If repair is focus… do you recommend nutrition / lifestyle etc?
Repair process is robust
80% of patient advice is forgotten or remembered erroneously
Avoid complexity…
20:31. If plaster cast is off – we’re more focused on:
Adaptation / Remodelling
Mimicking the motor action as closely as possible
“Breaking down a task to its components does not transfer back into integrated movement”
Balance specificity is not transferable
Exposure is key – repetition & specificity
24:05. MET versus Squat in improving ROM in ankle dorsiflexion
Adaptation is driven by exposure
1998 Stretching Research Paper:
CORRECTION in the podcast I describe a paper from 1998… but this was it (from 1997)!
Gleim G, McHugh M 1997. Flexibility and its effects on sports injury and performance. Sports Medicine E1 24(5):289–299
Stretching as adaptive load
28:15. Moving from Isolation to Integration
Task specific learning: 2 components:
Movement to achieve goal
These 2 are fully integrated
Isolation is disintegration
External focus (goal)
Internal focus (e.g. arm)
External focus results in
more efficiency
lower EMG
greater transfer
Integrate in order to co-ordinate
32:59. Shirley Sahrmann:
Winging of scapula due to serratus anterior inhibition / weakness
Push-up with a plus does not help scapula winging
Functional exercises? Or extra-functional movement?
34:52. Modulation of Symptoms: the 3rdcomponent of the Process Approach
We often have “pathologies” we’re unaware of
Can happen reflexively, spinal, higher centres
Game of Thrones analogy: when it comes to pain it is fantasy land… if you believe it, it’s quite likely to work well!
Next decade: understanding how people experience pain
37:22. Do we need to focus inwardly our outwardly?
It’s Fantasy Land so self-care can work for some, but not for all
Identify the process by which people can get themselves better… then amplify that process
40:01. How far do you go into Psychological Factors in your model?
Reassurance / cognitive tools / attentive to emotional & psychological state
Not depth psychology / psychotherapy
41:13. How to find Dr Eyal Lederman
Eyal’s papers, books and courses can all be found at