The very nature of autopilot, or automatic, habitual behaviours are that we have very little conscious engagement in them, so we are often unaware of why they keep repeating. Jung stated that until we unconscious conscious, it will direct our lives and we will call it “fate”.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
In this workshop, Matt will show you how to comprehensively screen the landscape of your unconscious to identify where you have habits that no longer serve you – and may even be holding you back or derailing your conscious attempts to succeed, find happiness or to just feel in harmony.
Outline for the day:
8:30 Meet for 9am Start: Introducing the conceptual framework of how to use evolutionary modelling to integrate the physical and emotional-mental-spiritual elements of anyone’s journey of health development.
10:30am: Break
10:45am: The work begins! Exploring your own emotional landscape – the good, the bad, the ugly… and the wonderful.
12:30: Lunch
13:30: Art class! Expression of your insights onto a blank canvas
14:30: Alchemizing your emotional charge to reduce physiological load

15:30: Break
15:45-17:00: Embodiment of a new state of physical-emotional-mental-spiritual wellbeing.
17:00 Finish
What should you bring?
- Just a plain pad of paper (A3 / A4 are best)
- A basic set of colouring pens or pencils (with a minimum of the 7 colours of the rainbow… more is fine, too)!
- Your heart on your sleeve…
What will you get from it?
An introduction to a simple system which allows you to effectively work through your own emotional landscape, or that of your clients if you’re a practitioner.
Who is it open to?
Anyone with an interest – or a desire for greater self-knowledge and/or a deeper skillset to help others at a more profound level.
If that sounds like you, I’ll look forward to meeting you there, sharing some profound transformational tools and making some real shifts in the way you feel!
See you there, with me and the Corrective Culture crew!
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