2019 May
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May 2019

It isn't often you get to chat with a master of his craft; so I was delighted to have the opportunity to chat just recently with Paul Chek on his new podcast "Living 4D" episode 12, which is out today! In this podcast we explore human...

As you're probably aware, GDPR is upon us, and so this page is here to serve as a thank you to all those who have signed up to be part of my tribe in the past, and to act as a taster to those who...

Bruce Tulloh, former European 5000m champion and Barefoot legend passed away this week at the age of 82.  Tributesto him and his life's achievements can be found all over the web already. [caption id="attachment_1267" align="alignright" width="309"] Bruce Tulloh (Credit: Athletics Weekly)[/caption] I first met Bruce in 2011...

In this Information Age, the sheer volume of research, publication and change in ideas can leave us bewildered and confused...

How do I safely transition from running shoes to barefoot? This post is designed to give you the most accurate answer to the big barefoot question “How long does it take to transition?” [caption id="attachment_463" align="alignleft" width="300"] The more a shoe looks like a foot, the more it...

For 2018, we wanted to come up with something new for Matt Wallden Webinars...